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برنامج مؤسسة CGIUKI

إنكلترا, المملكة المتحدة

برنامج مؤسسة CGIUKI


The Foundation Program allows students with no prior qualifications to gain direct access to the CGI Chartered Governance Qualifying Program without being required to complete IFA 4 and IFA 5. As such, it is ideally suited for students with the academic ability to undertake the Qualifying Programme giving them a ‘fast track’ into this postgraduate degree-level qualification.

Suitable For

This programme is open entry, with no prior qualifications required, and suitable if you are living or working in the UK or internationally. It is a Level 4 qualification, set at the same academic level as a first year undergraduate degree.

التكلفة والمدد
متوسط البرنامج التأسيسي

الحد الأدنى 3 أشهر

متوسط البرنامج التأسيسي

رسوم التعليم

1600 GBP / المجموع

رسوم التعليم

مواعيد القبول في البرنامج

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